Monday, August 30, 2010

Pooh At The FloodHouse.

Halifax has proven itself. 90's Babies has been busy.
Stagnant Stars and Mistake Makers have been jamming daily and will soon be recording both their first releases. Late night painting sessions have been a plenty. A "Graphic" novel is in the works (see previous post). Taylor Doyle will be recording a demo this coming weekend. Matt A's personal zine is on it's way. and bikes. and pie. and beaches, of course.

Self Portraits By Steve Believe.



Steve Believe.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Let's Talk About Sex.

Growing up there were two main venues that taught me about sex.

One of these teachers was the media. MTV and grocery store magazines told me that sex was a dirty, nasty game and that I should join the competition as a predator (especially since I was a male). I was taught that sex was the ultimate goal of my young life, and that I should pursue it using the most vicious of tactics. Words like “slut” and “whore” became synonymous with sex. I was given the impression that the less emotion I attached to this act, the more fulfilling it would be.

The second Sex-Ed teacher was a fairy tale story that was reinforced by my religious, conservative surroundings. It was here that I was taught that males fell in love with females, got married, made love on their wedding night, and produced children. This description was very vague and left out details where ever possible. I was taught that sex was a flawless exchange that was wholesome, pure, and should never be talked about.

I bounced between these two descriptions never short on confusion and guilt. As I became older attraction, affection and sex became realities in my life. I tried to act according to the way I had been taught.

Holy fuck, was I in for a surprise.

I want to put together a collection of REAL sexual experiences. A sort of reference guide of the unpredictable, often bizarre events that are rarely talked about. I want to document what sex is really all about, so no one I know ever has to be as blatantly mislead again.

I’m looking for anonymous contributions of your own sexual non-fiction. Any story would be greatly appreciated (funny, awkward, embarrassing, scary, difficult, terrifying, racy, sexy, etc.) I plan to illustrate the stories with cartoons, so it will be a sort of “Graphic” Novel (Pun!). Please keep your contributions down to a paragraph or two, but feel free to be descriptive. I wont change any of the plot lines, however I may paraphrase/tweek to better fit into comic strip format. In order to protect the authors’ anonymity, I’ve set up a email address and password that you can log into and send me your stories from.

password: banana123
Send all contributions to:
Or you can mail them anonymously to:

Steve Believe
2685 Clifton st.
Halifax, NS
B3K 4V4

I’m really excited about this project and can’t wait to start putting it together. Finished copies will be available from, or from the address listed above.

Steve Believe

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I'm overwhelmed, Sleep deprived, Over caffeinated, and feeling crazy. It's been a strange couple of weeks, but i've managed to get some stuff done.

I did a lot of painting while I was in Ottawa. I also mentioned to my friend Arj that I wanted to get a video camera, and he traded me a camera for one of my paintings and an old bike frame. I hope to collect footage as soon as possible and throughout the winter.
This is for Arj.

I also met a really sweet kid on the bus named Spaz who spent most of the trip drawing and talking about space. It was delightful. We swapped art and stories. Spaz makes these really eerie and twisted comic zines that are incredible, and is in the process of starting a zine collective of sorts. Hopefully 90's Babies will be able to help produce/distro them in the near future.
This is Spaz.

Things are currently a little uncertain here in Halifax. A lot of things are sitting in limbo. However in the next couple days things should be sorted out, my life will calm down a little and this collective will begin to bloom like melons or squashes or something that blooms in a very progressive way.
This is backwards.

Steve Believe

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Almost Forgot...

Happy Birthday Jawsh!
You don't look a day over 14.
I love you.

Oh Ottawa?

I headed east over a week ago now and i'm still fairly unsettled. I'm having a blast, I'm just constantly deep in thought and processing things (which I suppose is probably a good thing). I've been filling up my days with with painting, collaging, cooking inventive dishes (purple-pepper-squash-coserolle), writing, and a little bit of guitar strumming.

I've also done some collaborative paintings with my brother (Zach) that I plan on posting once I find a camera.

I did a rough recording of a new song called "Oh Ottawa 2 (Mice and Mold)". I don't know how to post audio, and I didn't want one of those boring YouTube videos where the song is set to the picture of a landscape, so I made a video. It's an educational video for people who want to learn more about boredom, loneliness, complacency, restlessness and insomnia. I hope you learn lots.

The song and video were both made in my brother's tenth floor studio apartment in the midst of an Ontario heat wave. The peculiar sound at the begging of the song is an African instrument called a mariba that Zach brought me back from Kenya.

I miss you/Can't wait to see you.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

The last couple days have been a little crazy. I quit my job. Released a split record (Long Distance Telephone Calls w/ Susie Winters). Played a show. Did mail orders. Spooned with stinky travellers. Played baseball in the park. And had a slumberparty and a barbecue. I’m pleased as punch.

The more albums I get rid of before I make the trek to Halifax the better. If you’re interested in one please email me (, phone me (780-719-4965), or message me on myspace ( They are $5/pwyc/trades/whatever. I’m really proud of it and want to share it with willing ears.
Also, after nearly two years of begging, pleading and excessive flirting we will be releasing Free Shots on Nic’s first official album. They have been my favorite band for quite some time now and I want the world to hear them and love them as much as I do. The Album will be call “The Dark Hole of Forever Rising Like a Sudden Fearsome Anger” and will be out before the first snowdrops of winter drift to the ground. You can get a brief appetizer of the album at

Goodbye Alberta, Stay Posi.

Steve Believe.

Monday, August 2, 2010


There are a few lethal combinations that will never be topped., These include coffee and cigarettes, Big hills and bicycles, Summer nights and acoustic guitars, and garlic and everything. I was just made aware of another one of these combo's in the last couple weeks. Here's the formula:
Sonny, Jawsh Carson, Starla! Ubiquitous, Steve Believe, and Matt A, combined with covers of 90's pop songs (Savage Garden, Backstreet Boys etc.) and a general Albertan discomfort/boredom. Look out drunk bro's and hicks, we're coming for your money and your expensive cigarettes.

Steve B.