I did a lot of painting while I was in Ottawa. I also mentioned to my friend Arj that I wanted to get a video camera, and he traded me a camera for one of my paintings and an old bike frame. I hope to collect footage as soon as possible and throughout the winter.
This is for Arj.
I also met a really sweet kid on the bus named Spaz who spent most of the trip drawing and talking about space. It was delightful. We swapped art and stories. Spaz makes these really eerie and twisted comic zines that are incredible, and is in the process of starting a zine collective of sorts. Hopefully 90's Babies will be able to help produce/distro them in the near future.
This is Spaz.
Things are currently a little uncertain here in Halifax. A lot of things are sitting in limbo. However in the next couple days things should be sorted out, my life will calm down a little and this collective will begin to bloom like melons or squashes or something that blooms in a very progressive way.
This is backwards.
Steve Believe
hey send some art this way!